Summer is fading but I'm still glowing and I hope you are too...I'm thinking back on how much summer fun I actually had with my kids and it's limited. I'm not bummed out...I'm grateful. I'm grateful for the day we picked ripe peaches from our neighbor Farmer Lou's tree and had a peach and peanut butter picnic, the 19 hours we spent on Cape Cod swimming, boating and having beer and pizza with our friend, a squeezed in overnight in NH with my best friend of 34 years and her kids...and the late nights outside playing catch by moonlight, tracking fireflies and dreamily gazing at the stars. I'm also unbelievably grateful to the Bailey sisters' Sydney, Paige and Jaime who cared for my kids more than I this summer. Sydney enterainted the kids at the local frog pond, penny candy store, playground and in her own home when I was recording and needed quiet. She took them blackberry picking...made homemade chocolate chip cookies and pizza with them, patiently taught them songs from the Sound of Music...oh and also contructed a doll house and several musical instruments out of items from our recylcing bin. I could feel hugely underqualified in the mommy department when I think about how much I missed out on with the kids but instead I'm saying congratulations to myself on spending time on personal growth, working enough hours to create a record breaking August for myself and even had a non mommy brunch, lunch and day at the museum. I've exceeded many of my personal and professional goals and I'm only now congratulating myself. Why? Good already have the answers. Interested in more? I urge you to explore the work of Dr. Norberto Keppe. Mo' later!
All good things,