Friday, September 27, 2013

Reward yourself! You deserve it - or do you?

Hey Hey Friends!
It's Friday and it's Mo of saying...REWARD yourself! Do you deserve it? Only you can answer that one. We know ourselves so well it is very easy to lie to ourselves. While I can be the Queen of Rationalization, I can tell you that it has been several months since I've had a wild non mommy night out and tonight I'm having one with dear life long friends and it is SO WELL deserved that it will be savored! Deadlines are met, apartment is clean, kids rocked the week at school and I'm on my 3rd week of steady work outs so yes there will be Tequila involved!!

While I'm a proponent of accountability and self reliance (despite resistance every step of the way), I also am a big fan of the Reward System. When you accomplish, overcome a hurdle, keep going when you have excuses not to, it's time to be sweet to yourself somehow.

Traditionally, I over indulge in food, drink, entertainment etc and that's not the answer either. Proportional rewards work best. Example; my children Ian (11) and Ava (8) have been in charge of their own treats/desserts for coming close to a year now. Not once, has either of them over indulged, taken advantage of the situation or gotten sick from taking too much.

Instead, fueled with self appreciation and self discipline, they approach their school work, creative work, free time and rewards with balance, respect and control. They're an impressive couple of kids and while I'd love to take credit, I cannot. They arrive at their own decisions through experience, intellect and mostly instinct. They know what's right. Doing what's right brings about more right. The more right, the better everything and everyone is. Smart. Simple.

So, what have you accomplished today? What is your weekend reward?
Feel free to comment, email or mull quietly to yourself.

If you feel you're not accomplishing (in voiceover, performance, radio, life) and need a nudge or need to find out why you're stuck or continually starting and stopping, please be in touch. There is a way to and through your resistance. If  I can do it, anyone can!

Have a weekend full of peace, progress and passion!

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